Sunday, July 17, 2011

I am sorry. I have sinned.

I am crushed
I am broken
I am sorry
For I have sinned

I slander
I idolize
I lie
I am impure
I divide what God has made whole
I am sorry
For I have sinned

I deserve bad things
I deserve being hated
I deserve to be empty from God's blessings
I am sorry
For I have sinned

I have no power to change things
I have no control to mend relationships
I have a history of broken pasts
Still, I am sorry
For I have sinned

Forgive me God
For I have sinned against you and your family

Draw me close to you
You make all things good is blurry to me
Let me trust you and lean not on my own understanding
God, I have a broken past
God, heal my present
God, make my future whole

I am sorry
For I have sinned